Full Moon
Virtual Circle
Wed Aug 2 @5pm pst/8pm est
Natalia Price
13 Moon Mystery School
Enter into the Temple of the Venus as the Goddess of Love
from the 13 Moon Mystery School
We gather in virtual sisterhood to align with the energy of the Aquarius Full Moon & Lammas, one of the high Holy days in the Celtic Wheel of the Year.
This marks the beginning of the harvest season and shifting in earths energy. It is a powerful time for setting intentions, manifesting and recalibrating for change.
Join us for a direct Embodied experience of the archetype of the Goddess of Love as we immerse in feminine wisdom, priestess practices, guided meditation, shadow work, moon rituals and sacred movement in a container of ceremony to remember how to live connected to the heart and passionately alive.
I Feel I Respond I Beautify
*Check your email for zoom link*
-💗We gather to Awaken and Remember Her Within Us as our natural birthright of Bliss, Unconditional Love, Sensual Alchemy, Vulnerability and full empowered Presence. Honoring the Venus cycle and how it affects us
-💗Honoring the turning of the Celtic Wheel in Celebration of Lammas as a portal time for manifestation and rebirthing ourselves.
-💗We will work to Name and Dissolve our barriers to Intimacy and the Shields we unconsciously carry around our Hearts. Clearing the blocks to Self Love so that we may re-encode and ignite the flame of Love through self-love practices and tools.
-💗Consciously Embrace the Shadow of Comparison, Competition, Jealousy and Insecurity and the ways it damages our sisterhood at its core. So that we may transmute the wounds of sisterhood and reclaim the healing codes of remembrence, belonging and empowerment that we hold for one another.
-💗 Reclaiming the Love for our Bodies as they Are right NOW through Embodiment practices to access and emanate Real Beauty from within as a radical act of healing for the planet.
-💗 Re-awaken the oracle of the Senses through sacred touch, taste, and exalt and expand our psychic and intuitive awareness.
Invoke the Goddess of Love within you to See yourself as Enough and consciously choose LOVE to authenticly walk as Her embodiment.
Bring Her juiciness Alive in your everyday life through pleasure and joy.
This is what the world needs right now. More embodied Love.
+You are invited to WEAR PINK/ROSE in whatever form if you feel called to amplify this frequency.
🙏🏽 Everyone Welcome🙏🏽