
Sacred Oil Anointing
Annointing is an ancient priestess temple tradition used for delivering grace, initiation, marking rites of passage and consecrating the body temple in a prayer on the body.
As a form of vibrational healing and energy work, it is combined with reiki, tunning forks, light code activation and crystals for a sound and energy balancing experience held in a ceremonial container.
Through massaging of holy oils into the body centers (chakras) and feet, there is an activation of the aromatic brain centers for healing and expansion of the auric field that aligns our consciousness with that of the Divine. For a deep feeling of soul renewal, clearing of emotional blocks, and ritual initiation.
~2 hours long

Baby/Mother Blessings
This is a ceremony to honor the rite of passage into Motherhood and/or to bless up Baby to acknowledge their connection to the Divine and welcome them into the world. I lead water blessings, candle lighting, anointing and group practices, and prayer to guide people into coming together to support and create meaningful and sacred ceremony. This assist in preparing the Mother or baby spiritually and emotionally for this new cycle of life. We can co-create ceremonies and make them unique and participatory with song, art, prayer or ritual.
~3 hours

Womb Healing
Ritual ceremony to connect, clear, and embrace the womb and its power as divine portal of healing and deep connection to the self and the way we move in the world. Working with massage, sound, holy oils, guided meditation, breathwork, and deep listening to re-awaken and reclaim that lost parts of ourselves while honoring of our shadow and intuitive body wisdom. For clearing emotional blockages, healing trauma, and restoring health and wholeness. Activation of Shakti power and creativity in all aspects of our being.
~1.5 hours

Deathwalker Doula:
Also known as end of life guide, death midwives, transition guide, I offer support and guidance in this sacred passing for dying patients and their families and friends. Through grief support, annointing, counseling, end of life ritual and funeral ceremonies. Honoring the sacred process of death and reclaiming dignity and compassion around it, brings us closer to the preciousness of Life and fully living every moment. I am passionate about this work from my own transformative experience with the passing of my beloveds and I want to assist others in their process and bring death and dying back into the sacred web of spiritual life and initiation.

New Moon Circles:
Monthly Community Circles to honor the cycles of the moon and how they affect our lives. We come together in a ritual to offer gratitude, prayers, set intentions, and release what no longer serves as we deepen our experience and offerings in the Art of Ritual at Luxe Nomad Collective in Nevada City, CA.
Co-created with Isis Indriya, Tracy Parker, Erin Rico, and Burgundy Winch.

One-on-one Soul Session
This is a ritual session in person or by phone where we dive deep into archetypal sacred space to explore from the lens of your higher essence self your shadows, challenges, gifts, and callings to come into a greater clarity of your path and purpose and true remembrance of your wholeness.
We use priestess embodiment practices to re-align and balance your unique healing process. We co-create a powerful container for empowerment and transformation from the inside out.
We can create From single to multiple sessions of spiritual guidance and support, where inner heart map for reawakening the inner flame of your life's passion, inspiration and vision.