We gather in virtual sisterhood to align with the energy of this powerful Summer Solstice and Full Moon
to Activate all Aspects of Ourselves
and Catalyze real Change from within.
Amplifying what we wish to empower
in our world in the midst of these challenging times.
We will work with the qualities of spiritual warriorship, self empowerment, intention, sovereignty, integrity, impeccability and presence.
~ Learn Tools of Manifestation to realign with the vibration of your Purpose and Prayer.
~ Redefine and Reclaim your Power and what motivates it.
~ Land in your sovereignty and allow it to ripple out into our relationship, business and work in the world.
~Clear Power Leeks and Control tactics that give our power away.
~ Dissolve any story of separation, not belonging or outsider....into the interconnectedness with the web of life.
~ Sacred Marriage Ritual: Re-align your inner sacred Masculine and Feminine to empower and assist you in walking in your truth and balance and birth projects in a new way.
Calling us into inner union and clear choice to be of service for Mother Gaia from a place that is connected to our essence, rather than ego wounds or trying to prove our worth.
** SELF EMPOWERMENT- Assist you in recognizing that NO ONE Outside of Yourself Can Give You you Anything that you have Not Already Given yourself.
Hi, I am Natalia,
I am women's spiritual empowerment mentor and ordained priestess with 22 years in the 13 Moon Mystery School.
I am a latin raised in South America and traveled the world searching for the sacred, for the Divine Mother. It wasn't till I discovered the 13 Moon Mystery School that I realized how much I had been giving myself away and leeking my power in people pleasing, self-doubt and overwhelm.
Through embodying divine feminine archetypes and integrating them into my life, I found the seat of my feminine power and reclaimed my self worth and purpose to serve.
It is now my mission to help women find their confidence and voice sooner than it took me to find mine. Guiding them in a journey of spiritual empowerment through feminine mysteries to connect with their intuitive wisdom and true potential so that they can offer their gifts in the world with clarity and impact.
I have been facilitating the work of the 13 Moon Mystery School for 6 years now in the Priestess Initiate Circle, as well as the Embodied Ritual Leadership program and 1:1 Mentorship. And it has transformed me to be able to support and guide women at such a deep level. I look forward to embarking on this journey together as allies in the rising of the feminine.