1:1 Soul Session Mentorship
Soul coaching
Service Description
This is a ritual session via zoom where we dive deep into archetypal sacred space to explore from the lens of your higher essence self your shadows, challenges, gifts, and callings to come into a greater clarity of your path and purpose and true remembrance of your wholeness. This session serves as a navigational tool to assist you when moving through changes and uncertainty or looking for clear direction. The focus is to gain clarity and awareness of your current soul experience and take action. We use priestess embodiment practices to re-align and balance your unique healing process. We co-create a powerful container for empowerment and transformation from the inside out. We can create from single to multiple sessions of spiritual guidance and support, with a personal heart map and strategy to support you in dissolving blocks and limiting patterns to get on a clear path to peace and success for reawakening the inner flame of your life's passion, inspiration and vision.

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