Full Moon Circle
Mon Aug 19 @5pm pst/8pm est
Natalia Price
13 Moon Mystery School

Enter into the Lotus Temple in your heart for a ceremonial Circle
embodying the archetype of the Goddess of Compassion
from the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage.
Working with Mantra Yantra and Mantra
to weave our intentions and prayers into manifestation
and feel into what it means to embody real Compassion in our complex world.
Invoking Kwan Yin in her many forms, arms and faces as the Goddess of Compassion, Mercy and Forgiveness.
Harnessing the power of this Aquarius Full Super Moon
to amplify PEACE in the Middle East .

I Seed I Recognize

On this ritual call we will explore:
~ Guided meditation, archetypal psychology, embodiment practices, PRAYER and ritual to enter into the heart wisdom of the Goddess of Compassion as Kuan Yin, Tara, or Mother Mary and how she lives within you.
~ Opening this as a space to comtemplate PEACE from within in the midst of these challenging times moving us into divisiveness to Unity consciousness.
~ Discover what real compassion and forgiveness is for you and how it moves through you.
~ Learn new tools for cultivating peace and equanimity
~ Work with Hand Mudras to heal and activate your intuitive body wisdom in sacred dance movement.....and how it alchemizes with mantra (sound) and yantra (geometry).
~Connect with the Violet Flame and the Forgiveness practice of Ho'opono pono to transmute anything less than the vibration of love and acceptance.
~Full Moon ritual to release and forgive and harness the power of this Aquirius Super Moon to illuminate your path and purpose.
✨​Om Mane Padme Om✨