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Queen of Death Full Moon Solstice Ritual

Sun, Dec 19



Enter into the temple of the Dark Mother, the Queen of Death, who lovely invites us into the mystery and possibilities of death and rebirth. Honoring this powerful Winter Solstice Full Moon portal in Gemini to welcome in the dark time of the year and weave our visions for this new cycle.

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Queen of Death Full Moon Solstice Ritual
Queen of Death Full Moon Solstice Ritual

Time & Location

Dec 19, 2021, 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM PST



About The Event

On this ritual call we will explore:

 ~ Using guided meditation, embodiment practices and ritual, to enter into the wisdom of this time and the realms of death and dying to release the patterns that are not serving us so we may fully live disillusionment

 ~ Explore the deeper meaning of the Winter Solstice as the Turning of the Celtic Wheel to Embrace the darkness and give birth to the Sun of new consciousness. Learn to come into natural alignment with the cycles of the Earth and the Full Moon and use it to empower our manifestations, nourish our visions and amplify personal and collective healing. 

 ~Reflecting on all that has transpired this year and our process with it....honoring its blessings, challenges and medicine. Metabolizing our grief, disappointment, disallusionment, loss, and enter into TRUST that whatever is manifesting is serving our wholeness and awakening.  

~Work with the archetypal energy of The Queen of death Archetype of the 13 Moon Mystery School to release, let go and surrender....allowing for a shamanic ego death for all that is complete and no longer serving to die and fall away at this time.      Through the conscious dance of dying and re-birthing, we remember how to reclaim the sacredness and purpose of our lives, and cultivate a new relationship with Death that honors life.  

~Then Inviting in the Dark Mother energy so that we may be rebirthed anew in the coming times, moving through the shadow of unworthiness and not-enoughness, so that we may midwife a new consciousness emerging on our planet.  ~Ritual to Honor the Dark and Light within. Releasing and letting go and lighting our inner temple fire to live our purpose in alignment with the new cycle.

 How are we being called to step up and be of service in these times?

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