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2023 Virtual 13 Moon Priestess Initiate Circle

Mon, Sep 04


HybriVirtual Temple with in-person Retreats

Working with 13 archetypes of the Divine Feminine for self-mastery, empowerment and re-alignment Journey in a year-long initiation in the Path of the Modern-day Priestess Come experience initiation into the Female Mysteries We start a new hybrid of online and in-person retreat circle April 1 2023

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2023 Virtual 13 Moon Priestess Initiate Circle
2023 Virtual 13 Moon Priestess Initiate Circle

Time & Location

Sep 04, 2023, 12:50 AM – 12:55 AM

HybriVirtual Temple with in-person Retreats


About The Event

Journey in a year long initiation in the Path of the Modern-day Priestess

Exploring a different archetpe of the Divine feminine  every month

Come have a direct experience of initiation into the Female Mysteries.

~Remember what it is to be a Priestess through mythic enactment in ceremonial time and space, chant, sound, art, storytelling, sacred dance and moving on the inner planes.

~The focus is on the mythic and soul directed dimensions of being and embracing deep shadow and wounding to access the stillness within.

~Establish a direct, intimate, ecstatic, personal, relationship with the Divine Feminine within you, and its direct guidance for your unique path.

~Enter directly into 13 archetypal Temples to enact sacred rites to embody the living Goddess in her many faces

~Allow yourself to be held and supported in a sacred container of sisterhood as you remember the gifts you offer and how to bring them into the world.

~Develop skills to assist as midwives for the planetary transformation happening now

~Connect deeply with your body and emotions through an exploration of lunar cycles and Embodied Priestess Practices – as we learn to Feed the Feminine First.

~Learn how to work with symbols, sacred geometry, alchemy, mudras, holy oils, mantras and archetypal tools as access ways to true empowerment and embodied heart wisdom

check out my this page  for more info

If you are feeling called right now reach out to me for a free-session to see if it’s the right fit - I’d be honored to work with you.


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